Dream Fort
Trevor Kaldor
Last night I dreamt we had a fort in the woods
Instead of a dog, and kids.
We played until the light thinned
The trees stretched out
And the ground began to swallow all the unnecessary sound
We slept and dreamt we had a dog and kids
A sound of engines
And feeling of headlights
Crept into the sleepy woods
unknown grown ups with their serious talk
were louder than the engines
but they did not enter past the trees
they swayed back and forth on their spindle legs
as adults tend to do, trying to see
without getting dirty
but the woods now seemed spoilt.
We gathered our clothing and headed for the street
Stalling on the path
We pushed back against headlights and metal
Glancing at the fort,
Through the dusky woods
We knew we could not come back
so we pushed back again,
But this time, the metal blankets gave way
And the stabbing headlights were the horizon
As the sun broke through